The Lamp Grasper returned in Shin-SASUKE for SASUKE 19's Third Stage once again replacing the Arm Bike and renamed the Kudari Lamp Grasper (下りランプグラスパー). On Ninja Warrior, it was called either the "Globe Grasp" or "Downward Globe Grasp". While it was introduced in SASUKE 19, it wasn't attempted until SASUKE 20. In this incarnation, the scaffolding was angled downwards requiring competitors to reach downward to reach each of the thirteen spheres and these spheres were more grouped than the original Lamp Grasper. Also, competitors are required to leap to the resting platform after the obstacle. Competitors are allowed to skip globes or traverse down one side of the obstacle, as Levi Meeuwenberg did in SASUKE 23. It never retired any of the nine individuals who attempted it and was replaced with the Rope Junction in SASUKE 24. In SASUKE 19 the obstacle was angled less steeply, the globes were smaller and the jump was larger than in later versions.
Kudari Lamp Grasper, SASUKE 20
A look at the Kudari Lamp Grasper from the platform
List of Sasuke Obstacles
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