The Floating Boards (フローティングボード), was introduced in SASUKE 25. The obstacle consists of five boards hanging from the scaffolding above. The competitor must cling onto the first board, transfer to the next and so on. Despite being very fatiguing with the Ultimate Cliffhanger immediately after, it eliminated no competitors and was replaced by Cycling Road after one tournament.
The Floating Boards made a return for the American version of Mount Midoriyama, in Stage Three. It again preceded the Ultimate Cliffhanger, however, the number of boards was decreased to four and the gaps in between the boards were smaller. It was cleared by the only remaining competitor, Brent Steffensen, who fell later on at the Hang Climbing.
The Floating Boards, SASUKE 25
Floating Boards, SASUKE 25
SASUKE Competitions
Stage: Third Stage
First: SASUKE 25
Last: SASUKE 25
Total: 1 Competitions
First Attempt: SASUKE 25, Takahashi Kenji
First Clear: SASUKE 25, Takahashi Kenji
Hashimoto Koji attempting the Floating Boards at SASUKE 25

List of Sasuke Obstacles
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