Metal spin

The Metal Spin (メタルスピン) was an obstacle in the Second Stage that replaced the Gyakusō Conveyor in SASUKE 14. An array of chains dangle from a horizontal wheel that freely spins, resembling a chandelier, over a water hazard. The competitor must jump to grasp one of the chains, spinning the wheel to the other side. Starting in SASUKE 15, the chains were given bungee cords, causing the chains to stretch and requiring competitors to have a strong grip to prevent the chain from slipping out of their hands. It was the only Second Stage obstacle to be retained after Nagano Makoto's kanzenseiha. However, it was changed - the Shin-SASUKE version has a longer run-up but the actual obstacle is also further from the platform than the previous versions. This has proved to be one of the tougher obstacles in the Second Stage. In SASUKE 16 alone it took out almost half of the people in the stage. It was replaced by the Backstream in SASUKE RISING (SASUKE 28).

Metal spin, SASUKE 14.

SASUKE Competitions
Stage: Second Stage
First: SASUKE 14
Last: SASUKE 27
Total: 14 competitions
First Attempt: SASUKE 14, Nagasaki Shunsuke
First Clear: SASUKE 14, Nagasaki Shunsuke

The Shin-Version (New Version) of Metal Spin, SASUKE22. 

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