Crazy Cliffhanger

The Crazy Cliffhanger 「クレイジー·クリフハンガー」is the 4th variation and the 6th version of the Cliff Hanger obstacle introduced in the SASUKE RISING (28th competition). This version is similar to the cliff hanger in the 9-17th competitions. However the third ledge is a lot smaller (similar to the 5th ledge of the Ultimate Cliff Hanger) than what the old Cliff Hanger's 3rd ledge was. Then the competitor must gain momentum and jump from the 3rd ledge to the 4th ledge which is behind them, similar to the Spider Flip. Unlike the last ledges of the Shin-Cliff and Ultimate Cliff Hangers, the width of the final ledge of the Crazy Cliff Hanger remains the same as the other ledges making the transfer harder. Crazy Cliffhanger, SASUKE RISING @...
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Iron Paddler

The Iron Paddler (アイアンパドラー) was introduced in SASUKE RISING as the second Third Stage obstacle. It consists of a bar with two dips for handles held on a scaffolding by the competitors' waists, with the ends of the bar having a circular shape to revolve. To complete the obstacle, competitors must hold themselves up using the bar and roll it to the end of the 5 meter scaffolding using the handles, much like the Arm Bike except that the rolling bar is by the competitors' waists thus being the first Third Stage obstacle to strain the triceps specifically. Although no one failed the obstacle, it proved to be very difficult as all who completed it appeared sapped of energy and showed signs of struggling throughout the obstacle. In fact, all...
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Ultimate Cliffhanger

The fifth version of the Cliffhanger came after Urushihara's completion of the course in SASUKE 24. It has been renamed once again, this time to the Ultimate Cliffhanger (アルティメットクリフハンガー) to emphasize its redesign. It is by far the largest and longest Cliffhanger to date, with a total of six ledges, double of any previous version. The obstacle first consists of two ledges. The first is 2m and on a 24° angle and requires competitors to climb right, with a gap of 20 cm, the next is also 2m and is on a 12° angle, requiring competitors to climb left. After that there is a 60 cm upwards vertical gap to the third ledge which is 3.2m long. Competitors must then cross a 90 cm horizontal gap to another 1.2m ledge. At the end of that, they must jump...
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