Spider Flip

The Spider Flip (スパイダーフリップ) was introduced into the Third Stage with course redesign in SASUKE 18. However, because of the extreme difficulty of the previous obstacles, no one attempted it until SASUKE 21. It was taken from the Heartbreaker on Viking: The Ultimate Obstacle Course. A ledge, much like an I-beam girder where there is a lip to hold onto on either side, must be climbed from underneath. At the end of the first ledge, there is another ledge, aligned perpendicular to the first, that must also be scaled. Once the competitor has done this successfully, he may rest on a small foothold before jumping backwards 2 meters to land onto another setup symmetrical to the first. He then must climb back down and across to the resting bar before the Gliding Ring. Kanno Hitoshi was disqualified on this obstacle in SASUKE 22 because he struck the scaffolding with his foot while trying to make it to the vertical ledge. This led to a modification in SASUKE 23 where the ledges were placed further from the scaffolding as well as hiding the scaffolding to avoid future disqualifications. In that tournament, Okuyama Yoshiyuki became the first person to fail the jumping portion of the obstacle. Takeda Toshihiro was the only competitor to fail it twice.

The Spider Flip was preceded by the Jumping Bars and the Hang Climbing with no rests from the beginning of the Jumping Bars to the small foothold at the base of the vertical beam. Competitors usually spent about a minute without resting, adding to the difficulty of the obstacle. It was removed after Urushihara Yuuji's kanzenseiha in SASUKE 24.

The Spider Flip was in its usual seventh position in the Third Stage of the American Ninja Warrior 4 Vegas Finals, but it was unattempted.

The Spider Flip, SASUKE 22


SASUKE Competitions
Stage: Third Stage
First: SASUKE 18
Last: SASUKE 24
Total: 7 competitions
First Attempt: SASUKE 21, Nagano Makoto
First Clear: SASUKE 21, Nagano Makoto

Kanno Hitoshi attempting the Spider Flip, SASUKE 23

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